As I present my testimony I would like to make one important observation: God chose you many years ago, before you were born, to make a vital contribution to his Kingdom. Whatever you have gone through in life has drawn you towards that assignment.

Before I was born, my mother had experienced the agony of two miscarriages. She had done everything possible, including traditional and modern medicine, but all in vain. Then, I followed in her third pregnancy. Will it be another miscarriage? Overwhelmingly worried, she tried one last option to save her marriage: she cried to God. The Lord assured her that this time the child would live. This is how I was born. Probably because of God’s intervention, I later found out that my life was so different from that of my siblings. You are about to prove this in my testimony. Later in life God would always refer me to Isaiah 46:3-4:

Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been upheld by Me from birth, who have been carried from the womb: even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you

Born in East Africa, I grew up as a Moslem and my father had picked me out of all his fourteen children to train as a sheik. He did not know that before I was born, God had already chosen me to serve Him. My dad had given me a special name saying, according to his faith, that angels would go round our house many times every night seeking to protect and bless a person with that name. He even made special arrangements for me to be coached by a Moslem scholar who rode a bicycle thirty two kilometers every working day from the nearest large town to our village for this purpose. Unfortunately, for my father, my mother had a Christian heritage. As love knows no boundaries, my father compromised some of the Islamic marital restrictions and allowed my mother to maintain some of her Christian values, including her name Esta, and even permitted her to keep a Bible in our house which was full of Islamic books. When alone, my mother used to read the book of Psalms a lot.

My father was advised that I needed formal education and, since there was no Islamic school nearby, he enrolled me at an Anglican Church school called Kiggwa Church of Uganda Primary School, which was about two kilometers from our Home. What I liked most in this school were the exciting Bible stories which were read to our class every Friday morning. I couldn’t wait for the coming week to hear the mighty miracles and wonders the God of Abraham performed, especially in the books of Old Testament. I didn’t know that through these lessons God was planting a spiritual seed within my soul that would germinate many years later.

At the age of eight my father died, followed by my mother several years later. Both died through mysterious circumstances. I was left drifting between two faiths. My paternal relatives pushed on my father’s wish for my life by urging me to continue attending Friday Juma prayers, praying Swallahs five times a day and fasting during the month of Ramadhan. But deep within my soul I was praying to God that if he ever provided an opportunity for me to travel very far from my nagging relatives, I would give my life to Jesus Christ. Later in life, as God heard Jonah’s cry from deep inside the belly of a large fish, he heard the cry from deep within my soul as well. Through a miracle I was offered a scholarship to study at the University of Exeter, Devon, South-West England. About a week after joining this University I presented myself to Christians at St. Leonard’s Church, in Exeter City. I urgently wanted to fulfill my promise to God. The Rector, Reverend John Skinner, realized my hunger for Jesus Christ and he immediately enrolled me into the baptism and confirmation class.

On 25 March 1987 the Bishop of Crediton(Bishop Peter Coleman) Devon, baptized me Makko. The two things I always remember about this baptism service were, first, an old bespectacled white lady who came to me during the church reception and asked me, “Did you see the strange light that came upon you as you were being baptized?” and second, the Scripture quotation Phillipians 1:9-11 which the Bishop of Crediton wrote in his gift book to me. I always believe that it was God himself who was speaking to me through these three verses, which I will always treasure throughout my walk with Christ. I thank God that even as I write now I still feel the power of the Holy Spirit that filled the vacuum which had been within my soul ever since I was born. I returned to my home country with more thirst for Christ and I joined a Spirit-filled church that was the centre of revival in the country. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal savior in this church in December 1987.

The Bishop of Crediton, S.W England, baptized me Makko.

Walking in the supernatural

From that time on supernatural things started happening in my life. God gradually started speaking to me through dreams, visions, scriptures, and through many other ways. In dreams God would even show me familiar faces of people and their very thoughts or the words they have privately spoken about me. These revelations have always helped me to understand individuals’ inner hearts and to calculate my movements in life.

Africa is a land of witchcraft. One night God revealed to me, through a dream, the witchcraft a fellow worker was performing against me at that particular hour of darkness. In the morning I told this person what he had been doing the previous night. He was both shocked and embarrassed. He realized I had a greater God who sees everything done in secret. He never practiced again acts of witchcraft against me.

God also started showing me, through quick mental images, situations in the invisible world. They frequently take place when He urgently wants to reveal and draw something to my attention. These images last only seconds but reveal hidden things about persons or situations around me. One time I entered church late when a visiting American preacher was already ministering. As soon as I sat down I saw, in a split-second, a beautiful new tarmac road with modern signs before me. When I told a lady friend who was seated nearby what I had just seen, she was completely taken aback and said “You talk as if you have been around. This preacher has just been prophesying the new heavenly highways God is going to make for each one of us!”

One Sunday morning, during a much anointed church worship service, I saw, in quick mental images, a long arm stretched from heaven towards the earth. Within its fist was a large stick the arm used to severely hit two persons who then fell on the ground. Then I heard a voice from heaven saying: “I have beaten your enemies” A few days later all the members of one family that had been practicing witchcraft against mine were admitted to hospital after contracting very serious unexplained illnesses.

Sometimes while attending church my wife [Florence] thinks I am dozing when, in actual sense, God is revealing to me many things about my life, the lives of people nearby or about the service in general.

One time I and Florence bought a beautiful blanket from town not knowing that the dealer of that shop was deeply involved in witchcraft. After laying it on our bed I spotted, in the spirit, something that sent shivers down my spine. I saw a large python making a slow movement on top of our bed! I did not tell Florence as thought I was mistaken. But soon I found I had seen correctly. The following evening, as I tried to gather sleep, again I saw in the spirit the same serpent, now beside our bed, with its mouth wide open as if wanting to swallow my hands! This time I jumped out of my bed and quickly shouted: “It is written that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven. You spirit of a python I bind you in Jesus’s Name!”  Then I suddenly witnessed a display of God’s power. I saw, in the spirit, very strong wires descend from up and they tightly bound this serpent as it fought wanting to escape! It was finally tightly squeezed into a form the size of a small bottle. Then the voice of the Lord instructed me to cast it away. So I prayed: “I command you in Jesus’s Name to go into the desert, never to come back into this house”. The remnant left with such a force that our house vibrated, as if shaken by an earthquake. I never saw that spirit again.

On another day, while listening to a live radio football commentary, I was startled when, in quick mental pictures, God revealed to me the dirty secret life of that radio commentator I had never seen before. The more he talked, the more of his wicked life was exposed to me. I begged God to take away these nasty images away but I believe God wanted me to pray for that stranger, which I did. From that experience I realized that spiritual forces, holy or evil, can actually be exchanged through electronic media.

As I continued my walk with Christ, God started guiding me through situations by directing my eyes to specific, yet very applicable Scriptures, in the Bible. I remember one time we had a large Christian meeting where we had invited our head of state as the guest of honor. He confirmed his attendance well in advance. But just only one day to this meeting, his Protocol Office sent us apologies indicating the President would not attend due to pressing national duties. Our hearts were crushed because we had spent a lot of time and efforts working on this invitation. Besides, thousands of registered participants were already in a great mood of expectation to see the President. In a long prayer at night I cried to God about our predicament. Immediately after that prayer the Lord spontaneously led me to open my Bible. The page I randomly opened had Hebrews Chapter 10. Then verse 37  instantly jumped out of the page into my eyes! It was as if this verse has been supernaturally magnified into big letters that came towards me!

For, “In just a very little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.”

I was sure this was God speaking to me through this verse. He was assuring me that the President would change his mind and come to our meeting. I quickly called my close friends and informed them of this breaking news from heaven. Many doubted saying it was already late for the President to attend since none of his advance security teams were on site so far. Then, at 6:30 in the morning everyone was excited when our conference grounds were awash with presidential security detail. Later, during that day, the president indeed turned up and opened our meeting as the Lord had promised through his Word.

One day, while attending a large Christian conference in Anaheim, USA, I decided not to give any offerings in the morning service. I reserved all the money I had for the last session in the evening because, I felt, the last minister was the most anointed. As I sat watching other believers give, the Lord supernaturally led me to open my Bible. The page I randomly opened had Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, and then instantly verse 6  jumped, like a gently flying bird, out of the page into my eyes!

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.

Again I was confident this was God speaking to me. The Lord was instructing me to use every sowing opportunity to give. I quickly repented, divided up the money I was left with, put some in an envelope and rushed my offering to the ushers! God was teaching me a very important lesson about giving.

Another time my bosses advertised my position with the intention of getting a more qualified person to replace me. After a long prayer about this matter at night, the Holy Spirit, without my intention, led me to open my Bible. The page I randomly opened had  Mathew 21:42. Then suddenly verse 42 jumped, like a beautiful butterfly from a flower, out of the Bible into my eyes!

Jesus said to them: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes”?

As usual, in such circumstances, I was certain God was speaking to me through this Scripture. He was assuring me I would come out of this situation victorious. As a human being I asked myself “How will this be when my job has already been advertised in two prominent daily newspapers?” But, as Mary Magdalene did, I just believed and left the rest to God. Later, after all the interviews for the short-listed candidates had been done, all the three selected candidates started to blunder in one way or another. I recall one of them, a highly qualified and very respectable lady. She was finally offered this job but as my bosses were negotiating her package, she refused to reveal her most recent salary (because it was so low compared to what she was asking). This angered my bosses a lot as they thought she was a very arrogant person. In the end my vexed bosses rejected all the three and decided to maintain me in the already advertised position! “We better deal with Makko than those complicated applicants” they said. I became the keystone as the Lord had promised.

I remember another night I was interceding for a man who had been falsely accused of murder. He had been innocently kept in prison for over one year. After pleading to God in prayer, the Holy Spirit spontaneously led to open my Bible. The page I randomly opened had Isaiah Chapter 51. Then immediately verse 14 was supernaturally enlarged and it gently jumped out of the page into my eyes!


The cowering prisoners will soon be set free; they will not die in their dungeon, nor will they lack bread.

This is a Scripture I had never seen before. The Lord used it to assure me this man would soon be set free. Through a series of miracles lasting two months, the judge indeed set this man free as the Lord had indicated.

I recall one day I and Florence had gone for a burial ceremony and the ushers offered us two front seats. After some praising songs the MC, who never knew both of us, reorganized the seating arrangement and we were made to sit in a place I considered bad. God saw my unhappy heart and I found myself involuntarily opening my NKJV Bible. The page I randomly opened had Phillipians Chapter 2. Then, like some T.V. graphics, verse 3 enlarged and gently flew out of the page into my eyes!

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. (NKJV)

My sadness turned into great joy as I realized that God was teaching me an important lesson in life. This experience changed, up to now, my view of front seats because, I know, they are reserved for those better than me.

One time all our children were studying in boarding schools so we kept at home a maid called Rosette to take care of both the kitchen and laundry, and a young man called Gershom to work both as a gardener and a night watchman. One Saturday morning as I and Florence were getting ready to go for shopping in town, the Lord supernaturally led me to open my Bible, which as usual I kept at hand. The page I randomly opened had Luke Chapter 22.  Then, like a selected text, verse 3 enlarged and jumped out of the page into my eyes!

Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.


I didn’t know why God brought this Scripture to my attention at that particular moment. But somehow I suspected the devil may have entered someone. I immediately requested Florence to stop dressing and we prayed over this verse. When we returned home in the evening we found Rosette in a sobbing mood with red eyes. At length she murmured many things I couldn’t hear to Florence, whose face increasingly became alarmed. When Florence re-joined me and I asked her what the matter was, she told me: “Darling, during our absence, after chasing her several times around our house, Gershom tried to rape Rosette in our children’s bedroom!” The Lord reminded me the Scripture He gave me just before we left home and I realized that the Devil had surely entered Gershom. Our prayer in the morning prevented something more serious to take place in our own house. We paid Gershom all his dues and fired him immediately.

God speaks through Scriptures as I have been narrating above but, I believe, this comes as a gift that operates spontaneously according to God’s own purposes and timing. This is the reason why some Christians who, through their own efforts, attempt to communicate with God using this method may get confused.

In England God gave me new parents.
In England, God gave me new Parents.

In England God gave me new parents.

Since my salvation God has been training me in prayer and intercession. Every night God wakes me up at specific hours to pray. One night I was alone in our house and at exactly 12:00 midnight I woke up feeling God wanted me to pray. But I was too tired that I just fell back into my bed and covered myself up. As I dozed off I felt someone pulling away the blanket and sheets from my body. Part of me was left uncovered. I jumped out of my bed thinking a thief had entered my bedroom. My fears were allayed only after I checked and confirmed there was no one in my room. God had sent an angel to drive me out of bed for prayer! He was training me for an important assignment in His Kingdom. I quickly repented and went into aggressive prayer.

Another time, around 12:00 midnight, I dreamt that someone had violently stabbed me in the chest. I woke up, breathless, with sharp pain near my heart where was “stabbed”. I completely failed to pray as, for several hours, I kept on wondering what this terrible dream meant. In the morning when I reported at my place of work, which was forty kilometers from home, I sadly found that one of our security guards had been murdered during an attempted night robbery. I learnt that he was attacked at 2am, two hours after God had given me the terrifying dream. The dead man’s body was still in the security room where he was attacked. When I looked at it I was even more terrified. The man had been stabbed at the exact spot where I was stabbed in the dream! Through this whole tragedy God introduced me to the realm of dreams as a tool for prayer and intercession. Tears flowed in my heart as I was convinced that my intercession soon after the dream would have saved this man’s life.

During my early years of training, wherever I felt reluctant to pray God would mysteriously lead me to the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 29. Verse 11 would always come into my eyes:


My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.

Another way God talks to me is by putting within my mind thoughts that guide me to exact places where he wants me to be. I have been led to places of opportunity or taken away from places of danger through this means. On three occasions God has led me mysteriously to precise obscure locations where a snake was hiding in my compound. Through this gift I have many times found myself moving spontaneously out of my bedroom to the gate outside our house just before someone rings a bell or knocks. Sometimes, after her travels, my wife thinks I am too nice to always wait for her at our gate when, actually, it is the Spirit of God who tells me that she is about to reach our gate and moves me to go and welcome her there.

One night I abruptly woke up from sleep and, as I sat on my bed, a thought came to me that I should check on one of the windows of our house. I followed this voice and, as soon as I drew the curtain, I saw a thief who had just scaled over the security wall into our compound. I quickly raised an alarm which sent the intruder running for his life.

I remember one time, over the weekends after breakfast, my then young children used to play on a mat which we usually left on the lawn in the front yard of our house. On this particular Saturday as I took breakfast with my children, I heard a voice, within my thoughts, instructing me to put down my cup of tea and quickly proceed to the front yard. I ignored this voice and resumed sipping my tea. As I lifted the cup again, I heard the same voice repeating the same instructions. This time I was sure this was the voice of God. I immediately left my cup on the table and followed God’s voice. As I stood in the front yard wondering what to do, a thought came into my mind: “Always it is my children who sweep this compound. This morning I will give them a surprise as they will find it well cleaned”. Then another thought followed: “I will start this cleaning by removing that mat”. The moment I lifted the mat I saw a long black cobra uncoiling from below. I quickly called Florence and we killed it before it could do any harm. Had it not been God’s intervention, and for my obedience, surely my children would have been bitten, by an agitated snake.

Quite often, especially when I have questions in my mind, God reads my troubled thoughts and gives me answers even before I present issues to him in prayer. To me this is a confirmation that our thoughts are always before God’s monitoring screens in heaven. One time I was alone with many questions about the difficult life my old grandmother had gone through. I was not aware that God was also concerned about what was going on in my mind. As a result, during the night, God revealed to me many things I didn’t know about my grandmother. God further revealed to me that he had wonderful plans for her salvation and provisions. Years later she left this world a happy and blessed Christian.

Another time I had some doubts about the personal promises God had made to me. Again I was not aware that God was monitoring my mind. Soon after, in a vivid dream at night, I saw myself on earth facing the heavens above. Then all of a sudden a white cloud descended from heaven and it engulfed me. Within that cloud were voices singing the common hymn “GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS”  As the cloud lifted and the choir stopped singing, I woke up. God was assuring me he is faithful to all his promises (Psalm 36:5). Since then that song has meant a lot to me.

I recall an incident during my early years of salvation. One weekend I did not have even a single coin in my house. So during my prayer time I asked: “Lord, do you really love me?” The Lord just kept quiet. Then the following day as I was speeding back home along a busy highway I overtook not knowing that one of the vehicles ahead of me was turning off the road hence blocking me. It was too late to apply breaks. To avoid a deadly collision I veered off the road, onto a rough stretch and I almost hit a deep trench. It was only by God’s grace that I maneuvered the vehicle back on the road. I was so scared that I thanked God a million times. When my mind calmed down and I continued driving, I heard the voice of the Lord   answering: “Yes, I love you!” From that experience I realized that God’s love is not about having money in your pockets – but having life in you and Jesus Christ in your heart as an assurance for eternity.

At other times God has used other persons to tell me about my life’s concerns. I remember one day I had many problems with a new company vehicle I was driving. I was not aware that the driver had planted witchcraft material in it to prevent any other person from ever driving it. The following morning I was astounded when a fellow lady worker, whom I did not even consider religious, told me a very revealing dream she had the previous night about my situation. God revealed to her everything the driver had done and what was going on in the spiritual realm. Her dream guided me in prayer and in tactics. I never had problems with that vehicle again.

Florence has her own ministry serving God. But ever since I met her I have realized that many times God uses her to guide me in the right direction. For this reason I always think seriously about her advice, asking God to verify it. Many times God gives his nod of approval.

Early in my salvation God made me aware that he had assigned angels to protect me. I remember one time I doubted God’s security and I went back to check on my piece of property I had just acquired and had already entrusted to God for protection. As soon as I stepped in that place I heard a clear voice saying, “Since you have doubted and decided to come, we are leaving now!” I realized that there were some friendly supernatural beings in that place. I quickly repented and never doubted God’s protection in my life again. After every prayer I make I leave all the other concerns to God. I have found this useful when praying for the sick. Have faith as you pray for a sick person, then you leave the rest to God- even when the symptoms of that sickness are still visible.

Before I shifted to my current place of residence I used to stay near a very busy city road. One morning we heard a very loud bang along this road, near our house. It was followed by cries and commotion. Soon I learnt that two vehicles had collided, and in the process, had knocked dead a poor little boy who was walking to school. I rushed to the site and found a group of sad-looking people surrounding the motionless small body. As soon as my eyes saw the still boy, I heard a voice, within my heart, instructing me to lay my hands on his forehead. The moment I did this, and I called upon the name of Jesus, I heard the boy taking a very deep breath. Then I saw his eyes open and rolling from white back to normal. It was as if his soul had been thousands of miles away. To the joy of all the onlookers, the boy made some movements and came back to his senses.

One night I parked near our neighbor’s place a brand new double cabin pick-up vehicle belonging to my employers. I prayed over it for God’s protection and I went to sleep. When I checked in the morning I found that all the lights on this vehicle had been stolen! As I was wondering where I would get all the money to replace the lights, I heard a voice, within my heart, instructing me to walk around the vandalized vehicle. I obeyed God’s voice and as I did so I found all the stolen lights, together with all the screws, collected at a nearby place. When I told my neighbor about this enigma, he informed me that during the night he suddenly woke up and felt like reading a certain book that was in his front room. As soon as he switched on the front lights of his apartment he heard some frightened persons running away! God’s angel had woken him up to scare away the thieves! I happily screwed back all the lights praising God for his faithfulness.

God has been teaching and encouraging me to walk in righteousness and has been warning me of any sin that may have crept into my life. Such warnings are accompanied by terrifying dreams and unexplained problems. Some of these dreams include visions of red-hot clouds of fire raining on me or seeing myself descending into a pit of full of fierce dogs and then waking up before they bite me. On such occasions I quickly repent promising God never to allow such a sin to creep into my life again. God always warns his servants to prevent their souls from perishing into hell.

One day the Lord impressed upon my heart to start a fast. But my body was reluctant and I resolved to start a few days later. In the morning as I was raising a cup of porridge to eat, a strange force came out of the blue and hit the cup which fell and splashed the contents on the floor! I was sure this was the Lord talking to me. I repented and decided to obey God.

Another time I broke a personal fast before the number of days I had promised God were over. The result was a severe attack by demons throughout that night. From that experience I realized that, to avoid God’s wrath, it is better to fast a few days that one can complete than promising God many days that you can’t accomplish.

Sometimes God has spoken to me through open visions. One time I was expecting a good amount of money from abroad onto my bank account, but I gave up after many days of waiting. Then one clear morning, while seated wide awake on my bed, I very clearly saw with my naked eyes something that stunned me. I saw a beautiful live gold fish swimming in air, with all its fins, through the open door of my bedroom towards me. As it was about to hit my face, it vanished! I told Florence what I had just seen and she was perplexed as well. Within a few hours I got communication from my bank that the money I had all along been waiting for had been wired to my account! God had already communicated though I didn’t know (Job 33:14)

Occasionally I buy a new Bible and read it book-by-book underlining important verses and paragraphs until I complete both the Old and New Testaments. Every time I do this I constantly see in visions a huge towering white tank of pure clean water before me. Then I see myself holding a small container drawing from the tap of this giant tank.

I recall one time as I was preparing to sleep I played a song called ‘Jesus Name Above All Names’. As it played something happened. The Holy Spirit mightily came into my bedroom and I felt His fire all over my body. Then, as I dozed, I saw a very large hall filled with multitudes of people dressed in white robes but all facing a distant bright light. Some were standing worshiping with raised hands while others were bowing down before this heavenly sun. As I moved to join them I suddenly woke up from this vision.

Sometimes God has substituted my natural senses with supernatural consciousness. I remember one weekend, while away from home, I was seated alone in my office clearing my desk of all outstanding work. I was enjoying the quietness of a typical resting day when all of a sudden I heard an eruption of beautiful choral music praising the Most High. The music sounded like an orchestra of a million instrumentalists and singers. At first I thought it was coming from outside my office, but I checked and found that there was total peace and silence elsewhere. I tried to block my ears with my fingers but I only made the music louder! Just as God had opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant  (2 Kings 6:17). He had opened my ears to angelic worship music. This music echoed in my office for about five minutes before it faded and silence prevailed again.

Many times I am faced with situations whereby I have to make a choice out of many options, especially when I am conducting job interviews, or when I am buying something, or generally when I am facing uncertain situations. God usually bails me out of such situations by igniting His flame of fire within my heart as soon as the right option appears before me. This gift has helped me to understand how Prophet Samuel picked David out of Jesse’s many sons.

When my contract for the job where I heard angelic music ended, I found myself jobless and overwhelmingly worried. My fear did not concern being jobless as such, but rather was related to the hurdles of getting a new one in this world of competition. God read my troubled mind and at night His angel appeared to me in a dream. He emphatically informed me that I wouldn’t look for a job, but rather it was the job that was going to search for me! A few days after this dream Florence told me she dreamt when someone had come home to pick me up for a new job. Three days after her dream a very dignified Professor heading the Medical School of a prominent university in our country came to my residence to pick me up for a job within their newly set up American-sponsored health project. I readily accepted and I was offered a salary five times what I had been getting from my previous job.

I recall one Sunday evening we brought home from our church a visiting Pastor called Pastor Emmanuel Twagirimana. He died during the Rwanda Genocide of 1994 but God raised him to life after seven days (check the Internet for his amazing testimony or book: “Seven Days in Heaven”. He had come to our church to testify how, during his death, the Lord took him to heaven and showed him wonderful things. After dinner he prayed for my family and he left. During that night, as I lay on my bed, a strange and magnificent vision occurred to me. In this vision I saw an angel come to our living room and sat in the sofa. I rose from my bed to welcome him and instructed our maid to quickly prepare something to eat. The angel asked me why it was dark in my house (at that time there was power shortage in my country and there were frequent power cuts). He told me not to worry about this. He then laid his right hand palm on the wall of our living room and suddenly there appeared all sorts of very bright modern wall lights and chandeliers! I think these were made in heaven. Our house became brighter than noonday sunlight! After this miracle, food was brought for the angel to eat. What impressed me most was when I asked the angel to bless the food. Instead of a verbal prayer as we do on earth, the angel fell on the ground, prostrated himself and started worshiping God. After his worship I asked him: “Is that how you bless food?” He answered me: “For us angels blessing food is like worshiping God. This is how we worship God in heaven”. As he sat to eat, the vision ended. From this vision I realized that when we are praying for food we are actually worshiping God who, in turn, blesses our food.

When our last-born child reached four years of age, the Lord directed Florence to start a church in her home village and become a deliverer of her people. She refused. She wanted to do business and become a rich woman in town. “How can I preach in a village where I grew up? They will despise me. There are so many men out there. Let God send a man” she always reasoned. Then one night I got a scary dream. Around 3:00am I saw myself with my whole family walking from a dusty road towards a raised beautiful heavenly city. Our children were at the front, I was following them and Florence came last, just behind me. When we reached the flowery elegant bridge connecting to the divine city, all our children and myself crossed over. But as Florence reached halfway the bridge an angel in military outfit appeared out of nowhere and blocked her. The angel then blew a very loud trumpet whose high-pitched sound woke up everyone on earth. At this sound more angels in military combat uniforms came and blocked the bridge. I cried and pleaded with them to allow my dear Florence to join us but they could not listen. “No!” they angrily shouted back at me. “She refused serving God!” Then, while crying, I decided to fight these angels one by one so that Florence could cross the bridge. But can man overpower, let alone fight, even one angel? I suddenly woke up from this frightening dream weary as Florence, beside me, wondered why I had been crying in my sleep. I told her about this vision and she immediately decided to obey God, so as not to miss heaven. A few years later, as a sign of encouragement from God, a stranger offered a significant cash donation to help Florence complete her church building. The church she is pastoring now is one of the largest in her district and many souls have been delivered.

My relationship with God can further be exemplified by the following experience. One morning, as I left home for work, I noticed that a section of the perimeter wall around my residence had developed a crack. Within three weeks, the crack had expanded and the wall was on the verge of collapsing. Since all the money I had was already allocated for the most urgent domestic needs, I resorted to God for help. I laid my right hand on the crack, looked upon the heavens, and pleaded to my heavenly Father for assistance. The following day, when I returned home from work, I was shocked by what I saw: a long section of the perimeter wall, where I had prayed, had been completely knocked down! Confused, I hurriedly went into the house and asked Florence what had gone wrong. She told me the following story: “After you left for work today, a speeding truck went astray and hit our wall. The whole length where the crack had developed went down. The rich truck owner came, apologized a lot, and he feverishly pledged to speedily rebuild the wall.” Within two days the wall was rebuilt with strong materials and painted with a beautiful color. In all this construction I never spent even a single coin. I remembered my prayer to God and praised Him for his faithfulness.

One time we had at our church a visiting prophet from UK. During one evening church service he told everyone to close their eyes and lift up both hands, as he moved among the congregation. Then suddenly I felt his hands on my head as he said these words: “The Lord tells me he has a special work for you. Focus on him alone and always declare his Kingdom wherever you go”

Before I present this message I want to make one thing clear. Even though I have training in Evangelism and Ministry, I am neither a Bible scholar, nor a Bible expert. In fact, every day I find something new in the Bible. To be honest I even don’t know why God used me because in my Christian life I had never dreamt of sitting down to seriously analyze Scriptures. All I wanted was to have a good job to enable me live happily with my family. But, as you are about to see, God had other purposes for my life.